Want to fully utilize machineries at your factory? Many factories have expensive high speed machineries. These need to be fully running in order to ensure orders are fulfilled, and to justify the ROI. However, there is no good way to easily monitor the performance of these machines. Even if the machines came with a counter, the data is usually only available via a display on the machine. Factories will need to use manual labor to record and analysis the data. Or the machine manufacturer will charge a huge fee for exposing an API to download the data, and that will require additional IT work on the factory side.
Below is an example showing how WITTI SMS can place our sensors on the high speed machineries. then all data can be visualize on the monitor along with your order information. These data can be combined with other WITTI SMS data so you can a full picture of the factory operations. Data can passed back to your ERP for consolidation. We have a wide range of sensors that will fit your machines!
Contact WITTI Technology Limited now at enquiry@wittisms.com to learn more!
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